Fab Four: February
/Hourglass Lip Treatment Oil
This lip treatment oil is my newest obsession; my lips and I are addicted to this incredible product. Imagine a lip balm that looks like a lip gloss, but smells like a spa, and acts that way too! You must try this for yourself. Your lips will thank me!
Trish McEvoy’s Beauty Booster Oil
I have been on the hunt for the perfect facial oil to add my skincare regimen, but felt that adding one more drop of anything at this point is going to make my skin feel heavy. I already apply two serums, as well as my SKII Pitera lotion under my moisturizer. However, I discovered that mixing the oil with my tinted moisturizer or other foundations leaves my skin with this incredible glow!
10th Ave Tea
When it comes to tea, I am a purist. I never return to a place that serves me tea as a teabag in a cup of hot water. No thank you—I want my tea served to me in a scalded teapot of boiling water. The tea bag must steep for at least 3 minutes before I will pour it into the cup. Like any girl raised in the Commonwealth, I take my tea with warm milk. The milk is poured into the cup first, followed by the tea.
So you can imagine how I felt when I received this package of “tea powder” by 10th Avenue Tea. Skeptical at first, I must admit, that this was a delightful surprise. The tea was fragrant, flavorful and incredibly easy to prepare. I don’t know if I can give up my afternoon tea ritual of "Earl Grey and milk", but I have added this to my morning and nighttime routine, and am perfectly happy that I did!
In The Kitchen With Laura
I recently discovered Laura Vitale on You Tube while searching for a recipe. She is absolutely fantastic. She is an Italian American woman who has wonderful recipes derived from her heritage, from her Italian grandmother to her own creations. She is a self taught cook, (my favorite kind), whose engaging personality coupled with her no fail recipes will make for a wonderful addition to your recipe and cooking demo collection.
Laura's Recipe Book is wonderful!