Stay Fit in the Water with ZYGO

Sheera Goren, co creator of Zygo

Sheera Goren, co creator of Zygo



  I just got off the phone with Sheera Goren, co creator of Zygo. What is Zygo, you may ask? It is the next big thing in work-out accessories, and I am ordering two as we speak.

  This brilliant creation happened a few years ago, when Sheera  reconnected with her high school friend and now business partner, Charlie Melvoin. The two came up with the idea of an underwater music apparatus, because  “there is no fun way to work out in the water.” Thus began the quest and creation of Zygo. Zygo is an underwater audio system that works through bone conduction. Recalling anatomy from my Nursing days, I was familiar with the zygomatic arch. What I did not know was that sound can be conducted through that arch via vibrations that are transmitted through bone conduction. This brilliant concept, which Sheera and Charlie came upon, opens up a whole new world for those who swim for exercise, especially those who use guided workouts. And if you haven’t been using guided workouts, now you can!

  After discussions with Navy Seals and synchronized swimmers, Sheera and Charlie set out to create classes for challenging water workouts using the head set technology of Zygo.  Their popular classes were featured on the Class Pass app and by 2017, they had run over 400 classes for more than 700 paying customers.  These numbers, coupled with a feature in the LA Times,  convinced Sheera and Charlie that they were on to something. The two devoted their time to creating the perfect headset for under water use and developed an APP with over 60 recorded workouts.

  I plan to use the Zygo while kayaking and board peddling on Lake Tahoe. Both lightweight and waterproof, this brilliant invention allows you to stream your favorite music or perform any of the 60 workouts that they have designed. There is a lightweight transmitter that acts as the “middleman” between your mobile device and the headset, which rest comfortably around the back of your head and on to our cheek bone…nothing goes inside your ear. To me, this is a no-brainer, genius concept. What are you waiting for?

For more information and to pre-order your’s now, click HERE.
