Little Box of Rocks

  Who doesn’t love receiving a bouquet of flowers? They add beauty and fragrance to a room and are a way to mark an occasion. But let’s face it, after a few days, the “bloom is off the rose” so to speak, and that beautiful bouquet ends up in the garbage. When a friend recently sent me “Little Box Of Rocks,” I was completely intrigued.  I couldn’t wait to share this little gift of energy and love in the form of personalized rocks and crystals with all of you. My box, “Wildfire,” themed for success, was filled with Pyrite, Jet, Fire Agate, Sweet Grass, and a Clear Quartz rock on which you can make a wish. That’s exactly what I did!
  Conceived and developed by fellow Canadian, Kiera Fogg, Little Box Of Rocks is an idea that was born out of her childhood love of rocks and crystals; she would collect them during the many camping trips she took with her father. At the age of 32, she is the mother of three little boys, and now a busy entrepreneur. Her aha moment came while she was bathing her 6-month-old child, and thought that a little box of rocks would be a wonderful alternative to the gift of flowers.  Having once worked in PR, she possessed the skills and knowledge to set up a website and map out a plan. She made cold calls and emails to sites such as Gwyneth Paltrow’s “Goop” and Cameron Diaz’s “Body Book” websites. They agreed to feature her on their websites. The stars were aligned, the crystals shot their energy into the universe, and the orders started pouring in. Little Box Of Rocks was literally an overnight sensation. 
  There are 14 different boxes to order; each one is individualized and themed to resemble a bouquet of flowers.  “Success,” “birthday,” “health,” and “new journey,” are examples of the unique and inspired boxes. I have already ordered a box for my daughter, and plan to order more for friends and relatives. I loved opening my box, which now has a special place on my desk. When I open the box and look at the rocks and their message and meanings, I feel more optimistic and hopeful, something our world could use a lot of…. so spread the word and order yours here.