Looking The Part In My Pink Bouclé Dress and Jacket
/ I am having a Jackie K /Jackie O moment. For my entire adult life, I have been told that I look like HER; whether it’s the upper lip or the cheekbones, each time I hear the words “has anyone ever told you that you look a lot like….” I immediately fill in the blank myself. Whenever I am paid this enormously high compliment, I am buoyed up for days…sometimes weeks. This pink bouclé dress and matching jacket transports me to the 1960’s when Jackie Kennedy reigned as a fashion icon; one, that I believe, has surpassed all others in her ability to transcend fashion through the decades.
I purchased this suit last Spring during Bloomingdales Friends and Family event, and have waited until now to unveil it here on the blog. At this moment in our history, I feel as though we could all use a “pink moment.” During these recent dark days following the news and ultimate isolating days of the Covid-19 virus, we could all use a little lift, and this suit provides me with a giant sized fashion boost!
Now is also a great time go through one’s closet; purge what is tired and wear what awakens your fashion tastebuds. This outfit is what brings mine to life. I don’t have a crystal ball, nor can any I predict the length of time that this darkness will prevail upon us. What I can assure you of is this: I refuse to wear sweats day in and day out for the next however many months we will remain sheltered in our homes. I choose to dress for brighter days and I urge you to do the same. Peruse your own closets and wear what brings you joy…because when you look the part, you will feel it as well.