FabuLesley Turns One, Party at Calypso!
/About 18 months ago, my dear friend, Orna, and I met for our weekly coffee clatch. I was lamenting over what I would do to fill my days once my youngest, Serena, then 16, goes off to College. Yes I would continue with my community service work and my music, but I was craving something else that would be creatively satisfying. Orna, who had just certified as a life coach, suggested that I write a blog. As she put it, “you are a source of information for all of us; from diagnosing ailments and referring to physicians, to who gives the best and cheapest blow dry in Beverly Hills, to what to eat when you want to lose weight, to what moisturizer and makeup work the best. People want to know these things, and you can supplement the posts with your love of fashion, food, culture, health and beauty.”
At the time, I didn’t really know what writing a blog entailed, so I began to do my research. I combed through many fashion, food, and lifestyle blogs. There were multitudes of these blogs, mostly written by 20-30 year olds. Rarely did I come across any blogs that were written by 45 plus year old women who weren’t already famous, that actually appealed to me.
That is when it dawned on me that maybe my market wasn’t saturated; maybe there was room for a 45 plus year old fashion, food, culture, beauty and health obsessed Jewish woman in the “Blogosphere.”
To that end, FabuLesley was born. What Orna and my other close friends find remarkable, is the vocabulary that this blog has spawned. There have been "Fabuluncheons" in honor of people’s birthdays, as well as accolades for “Fabulicious” food. People write to me adding “Fabu” as a prefix to theirs as well as their spouse’s names! It is truly hilarious and fun.
I have no idea what will come of this blog, but right now I am having a great time creating each week’s posts. There is nothing I like more than to write about things that bring so much joy, significance and inspiration to my life.
I am both shocked and delighted to have gained so many followers on the web, and I continue to be overwhelmed by your support and encouragement.
To that end, I am celebrating in a Fabu-way. The wonderful store, Calypso St Barth has generously offered to host a party for me as way of marking this milestone. Everything in the store will be at least 20% off. Calypso has a well curated collection of beautiful cashmere sweaters, jackets and vests, dresses, skirts and jeans, as well as fabulous shoes, boots and bags. Their jewelry collection is off the hook.
Please join me on Monday, December 15 from 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM at the Westfield Mall in Century City. It will be a fabulous evening of food, fashion and fun!
I am tying this event to the SOVA food pantry, which provides food for homeless people in the Los Angeles area. Please bring at least one non-perishable food item to be donated to this wonderful and important organization.
RSVP HERE for Fabulesley at Calypso!
Sweater, Tank, Necklace, and AG Jeans all available at Calypso.
Hat, Sweater, Vest, Jeans, Boots, Purse, Necklace and Earrings all available at Calypso.